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The International Network of Protein Engineering Centres (INPEC) is an unofficial group of national centres concerned with protein engineering research and was established on May 24th, 1991. INPEC is a non-profit, scientifically based organisation with no legal status.



1. The International Network of Protein Engineering Centres (INPEC) is an unofficial group of national centres concerned with protein engineering research and was established on May 24th, 1991.

INPEC is a non-profit, scientifically based organisation with no legal status.


2. The aims of INPEC

The aims of INPEC are the promotion of basic and applied research in the field of protein design via

-Mutual cooperation and exchange of information to avoid duplication of research

-Organisation of annual international protein engineering meetings

-Exchange of scientists

-International training at the post-doctoral level


3. INPEC Membership
Each country will be represented by one node. It is the responsibility of that node to ensure that its country's activities in protein engineering are represented to INPEC and that information on INPEC's activities is disseminated throughout the node's country. Each node may have up to 3 voting delegates. The selection of delegates and structuring of individual nodes is a national issue and will differ from country to country. It was agreed that continuity of representation is important and should be maintained. Memberships for new countries in INPEC will be considered at the annual meeting for national nodes introduced by an existing INPEC member. Existing members may agree to accept nodes other than strictly national representatives, based on the merit of the application.


4. Participating Countries
Currently, the participating nodes represent the following nations: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Norway,  Russia, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, U.K. and Uruguay.


5. Steering Committee
The continuity and administration of INPEC are safeguarded by a Steering Committee. The Steering Committee is composed of one representative from each of 4 nodes selected as those hosting the two previous general meetings and the two upcoming meetings.


6. The current membership is listed in the Nodes - Members page of this website.


7. The chairperson is selected to be the representative of the host node for the most recent INPEC meeting with a term of approximately 12 months. A secretariat should be established when necessary. Steering Committee Meetings will take place as necessary but once a year is recommended as a preparation for the main annual meeting. Members can nominate substitutes so that each meeting has a complete membership.


8. Meeting of Participating Nodes
The Meeting should occur every one or two years. It will be of a closed nature taking containing reports and posters from each node. Each node can be represented by 3 nominated delegates. Local scientists will be invited to participate and present in the meeting. It may be an advantage to hold the INPEC annual meeting in conjunction with a larger open meeting on a related subject. The organisation of the annual meeting is the responsibility of the host node for the particular year.


9. Business Meeting
This should take place during the annual meeting to discuss INPEC matter and plans and to decide on new members. The selection of future hosts for the annual meeting should take place at the annual business meeting at least 2 years ahead. The business meeting can be attended by all delegates.


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