Andreas Kungl
Karl-Franzens-University Graz, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Graz, Austria
INPEC node since 2002
Our research group is mainly interested in studying the interaction of complex (proteo)glycans with proteins such as chemokines, and to turn resulting insights into novel therapies. Our current indication area is immune-oncology with a focus on metastatic lung cancer.
Keywords: protein engineering, proteomics, biophysics, glycobiology, fluorescence spectroscopy, extracellular matrix, drug development
Frans Mulder
Institute of Biochemistry, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
INPEC node since 2005
Our lab focuses on quantitatively understanding biochemical and biological systems and processes, using the solid fundament of physical chemistry. Our main focus is proteins. We actively contribute new methodologies, such as novel NMR experiments to study protein dynamics, stability and electrostatics. We develop bioinformatics tools for protein disorder prediction as well as experimental and computational approaches for the study of intrisically disordered proteins.
Keywords: structural biology, NMR spectroscopy, protein dynamics, thermodynamics, protein biophysics, protein electrostatics, protein engineering, intrinsically disordered proteins, protein aggregation and disease, bioinformatics, metabolomics, in cell and in vivo NMR spectroscopy